I develop responsive open-source websites with wordpress and Silverstripe.

I design and develop beautiful and modern websites, tailored to fit our clients' needs.

I focus on open-source framework solutions like Wordpress and Silverstripe.


I help businesses, companies and clients improve their online presence by developing responsive, mobile-first, and search engine optimized (SEO) websites.

I specialize on leading open-source developing frameworks such as Wordpress and Silverstripe.

I design and develop custom themes to match your brand guidelines for both CMS.

I use SEO best practices from scratch, improving and increasing your website visibility.

I develop and implement any plugins the project requires, and integrate it with existing third party software libraries or API services as needed.

I like to code our projects according to current framework best practices, always leaving good annotations in the source code to help interaction with other team members.

Open-source website development frameworks



Wordpress is the world’s leading content management system, used by over xx% of websites worldwide.

It is used by small and large companies, individuals, and nonprofit organizations.

Wordpress is a tool which, if used right, can accomplish almost any task your project requires: developing custom designs is very affordable, and you can take advantage of Wordpress´ powerful core and wide variety of plugins.



The SilverStripe CMS is a powerful development tool which helps us create fast and secure projects on the web.

This open-source content management system is used by governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations around the world, and is especially popular in New Zealand and Australia.

Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap

I build our responsive open source websites with the world leading HTML5 and CSS3 mockup building framework Twitter Bootstrap.

Bootstrap help us build mobile-first projects faster thanks to its rock solid responsive grid system.

I like to code using CSS preprocessors Less or Sass before deploying our precompiled and minified CSS to the project.

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